QuoteSkull Posts

The only way to win is to never give up. In the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope. True leadership is not about power, but about responsibility. Fear does not define us; it only serves to motivate us. The only thing that stands between us and…


Finger quotes may be the universal signal for ‘just kidding’. When in doubt, add finger quotes for dramatic effect. Finger quotes: the original air quotes. With finger quotes, you can express sarcasm without saying a word. Finger quotes are like punctuation marks for your hands. Using finger quotes is the…



Love is the bridge that brings two souls together on the journey of marriage. A wedding is a day, a marriage is a lifetime. True love stories never have endings. Two souls but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one. In a world full of temporary things, our…


Samhain is a time to honor our ancestors and connect with the spirit realm. On Samhain night, the barrier between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Samhain reminds us to embrace the cycles of life and death. During Samhain, we can let go of what no longer…


In a world of glitter and sparkles, I prefer the gritty beauty of grunge. Grunge is my aesthetic, my way of expressing rebellion and nonconformity. Life isn’t always pretty, and neither is grunge. Grunge isn’t just a fashion trend, it’s a lifestyle. In a sea of sameness, grunge stands out…


A picture is worth a thousand words. Creativity takes courage. Life is like a camera. Focus on the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot. Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. Every artist was first an…


Go green or go home! Plant seeds of kindness and watch them grow. The grass is greener where you water it. Be a tree hugger, not a tree cutter. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Nature doesn’t need us, but we need nature. Embrace the green, it’s good for the soul. Live simply,…


I’m sorry if I’m hard to love, but I promise I’m worth it. I apologize for the walls I’ve built around my heart, it’s just my way of protecting myself. I’m sorry if I’m difficult to understand, but I’m a complex soul with a lot of depth. I apologize if…

