Two heads are better than one.
Three’s a charm.
Four eyes see more than two.
Five fingers make a hand.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Lucky number seven.
Eight is enough.
Nine times out of ten.
Ten out of ten.
Eleven can’t go to heaven.
Twelve is a dozen.
The thirteenth time’s the charm.
Fourteen days make a fortnight.
Fifteen minutes of fame.
Sweet sixteen.
Seventeen is a prime number.
Eighteen holes in a golf course.
Nineteen is the age of adulthood.
Twenty-twenty vision.
Twenty-one guns salute.
Twenty-two catch.
Twenty-three is a lucky number.
The twenty-fourth hour is the darkest.
Twenty-five cents.
Twenty-six letters in the alphabet.
Twenty-seven is the cube of three.
A stitch in time saves nine.
Thirty pieces of silver.
Thirty-one flavors.
Thirty-two is the number of teeth in adult humans.
Thirty-three is the age of Jesus when he was crucified.
Thirty-four is the atomic number of selenium.
Thirty-five is the number of years of age that a person must be to become President of the United States.
Thirty-six is a perfect square.
Thirty-seven is a prime number.
Thirty-eight is the atomic number of strontium.
Thirty-nine is the number of books in the Old Testament in both the Catholic and Protestant Bible.
Number sayings part 2
Forty is the number of weeks in a typical human pregnancy.
Forty-one is a prime number.
Forty-two is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything according to Douglas Adams’ book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Forty-three is the number of muscles needed to tilt the head.
Forty-four is the number of the U.S. President before Barack Obama.
Forty-five is the number of states in the United States.
Forty-six chromosomes in the human body.
Forty-seven is the atomic number of silver.
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