Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes

The mind creates the abyss, and the heart crosses it.

You are beyond all that is temporary. You are the eternal witness.

Abide in the stillness, and the truth of who you are will reveal itself.

Let go of all attachments and desires, and you will find true freedom.

The only thing that truly exists is consciousness. Everything else is an illusion.

Do not be deceived by the world. It is nothing but a dream.

Give up the idea of becoming someone. You are already complete.

Stay in the present moment, for that is where true peace is found.

Your true nature is beyond birth and death. It is eternal and unchanging.

The mind is a trickster. Don’t believe its stories.

All suffering comes from identifying with the changing and temporary.

The mind is like a mirror. It reflects what is in front of it, but it is not affected by it.

You are not the body, nor the mind. You are the eternal self.

You are the ultimate reality. There is nothing separate from you.

There is no teacher, no student. There is only the eternal dialogue of consciousness.

You cannot change the world, but you can change your perception of it.

Don’t seek happiness. Seek the source of happiness within yourself.

Truth is not a concept. It is a direct experience.

There is no past, no future. There is only this eternal moment.

Love is the only truth. Everything else is transient.

Be aware of awareness itself. That is the key to liberation.

Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes part 2

The person is not real. It is just a collection of ideas and memories.

The ultimate truth cannot be put into words. It can only be experienced.

You are not the doer. You are the witness of all actions.

The spiritual path is not about acquiring, but about letting go.

Don’t cling to anything, not even to the idea of enlightenment.

Let go of all concepts and ideas, and the truth will reveal itself.

Don’t try to understand the mind. Just be aware of it.

The ego is just a bundle of thoughts. It has no real existence.

The mind is the source of all suffering. Stop identifying with it.

You are not a person. You are pure consciousness.

Meditation is not an act. It is a state of being.

Nothing can disturb your inner peace unless you allow it to.

Every experience is a gift, even if it seems like a challenge.

Don’t try to control life. Surrender to its flow.

The ego is the root of all suffering. Let it go.

Don’t seek enlightenment. It is not a goal, but a way of being.

Your true nature is happiness itself. It is not something to be achieved.

The world is an illusion created by the mind. Wake up from the dream.

You are not separate from the universe. You are the universe.

Be like a child, innocent and open to the present moment.

Don’t resist what is. Accept it fully, and it will transform.

There is nothing to attain. You are already that which you seek.

Surrender your fears and desires, and you will find true peace.

You are the awareness that is aware of all experiences. Rest in that awareness.

Alfred Sorsazo

A seeker of inspiration and beauty in words. I share quotes that touch the soul, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Finding and sharing wisdom that helps you better understand yourself and the world around you. Why quotes? Short phrases contain incredible power - they can inspire, support, give hope, or just make you smile.

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