Memorable West Side Story Quotes

Tonight, tonight, won’t be just any night.

I want to be in America!

When you’re a Jet, you’re a Jet all the way.

Somewhere there’s a place for us.

I feel pretty, oh so pretty!

I have a love and it’s all that I need.

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

One hand, one heart, one love to share.

I just met a girl named Maria.

Maria, I’ve just met a girl named Maria.

There’s a place for us, somewhere a place for us.

Make of our hands one hand, make of our hearts one heart.

I’m so pretty, oh so pretty!

Anita’s gonna get her kicks tonight.

A boy like that would kill your brother. Forget that boy and find another.

Puerto Rico, my heart’s devotion, let it sink back in the ocean.

When you’re a Jet, you stay a Jet!

There’s a boy, really a boy, Romeo and Juliet. Together, together.

Tony, I’m warning you.

There’s a place for us, somewhere a place for us.

There’s a place for us, hold my hand and we’re halfway there.

I like to be in America!

Boy, boy, crazy boy, stay loose, boy!

I feel pretty and witty and bright!

One hand, one heart, one life to live together.

I like the island Manhattan.

Jet all your juvenile delinquency blows.

I want to live in America!

When you’re a Jet, you’re the top cat in town.

Memorable West Side Story Quotes part 2

Maria, I love you, I love you, I love you.

Too bad for us.

Maria, the most beautiful sound I ever heard.

When you’re a Jet, let them do what they can.

You killed your lover, dear Chino.

Hold my hand and I’ll take you there.

There’s a place for us, somewhere a place for us.

Make of our lives one life, day after day, one life.

We hear America singing.

The calf who loved a leopard.

Oh, the most beautiful sound l ever heard.

The beautiful ladies in the pretty white dresses.

There will be magic.

I want to be in America, everything free in America.

Oh, I feel pretty, and witty, and bright!

Wrong! Daddy always makes things right. Note: These quotes are from the musical West Side Story. They are not original quotes, but rather lines from the show.

Alfred Sorsazo

A seeker of inspiration and beauty in words. I share quotes that touch the soul, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Finding and sharing wisdom that helps you better understand yourself and the world around you. Why quotes? Short phrases contain incredible power - they can inspire, support, give hope, or just make you smile.

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