Love isn’t real quotes

Love is just a temporary illusion.

Love is a game that always ends in heartbreak.

The concept of love is nothing but a social construct.

Love is just a chemical imbalance in our brains.

Love is a lie we tell ourselves to feel less alone.

There is no such thing as true love, only convenience.

Love is a distraction from the emptiness inside.

Love is an excuse for people to hurt each other.

Love is a trap that we willingly fall into.

Love is just a glorified form of infatuation.

Love is a concept created by poets and dreamers.

Love is an overrated emotion that leads to disappointment.

Love is a dangerous game that leads to destruction.

Love is an illusion that we desperately cling to.

Love is a myth perpetuated by society.

Love is just a temporary high that quickly fades away.

Love is a concept that only exists in fairy tales.

Love is a mirage that disappears when you get closer.

Love is a cruel joke played on the weak-hearted.

Love is just an excuse for people to act irrationally.

Love is a fiction invented by Hollywood.

Love is a wildfire that consumes everything in its path.

Love is a futile attempt to find meaning in life.

Love is a disease that infects the mind and corrupts the soul.

Love is a toxic addiction that we can’t seem to quit.

Love is a battlefield where no one comes out unscathed.

Love is a prison that we willingly lock ourselves in.

Love is a facade that hides the true nature of humanity.

Love is a cruel trick played by fate.

Love is a puzzle with missing pieces that can never be solved.

Love is a mirage in the desert of reality.

Love is a curse disguised as a blessing.

Love is a tightrope that we walk, always on the verge of falling.

Love is a mask we wear to hide our true selves.

Love is a myth created by our own desires.

Love is a drug that numbs the pain of existence.

Love is a flame that burns brightly, then quickly extinguishes.

Love is a mirage that disappears when you reach out to touch it.

Love is an illusion that we willingly fall for.

Love is a trap that we set for ourselves.

Love is a broken promise whispered in the night.

Love is a mirage that leads us further into the desert of loneliness.

Love is a game where everyone loses in the end.

Love is a mirage that we chase, hoping it will quench our thirst.

Love is a shadow that disappears when the light fades away.

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