Knitting Sayings

  • Knit happens
  • Yarn addict
  • Knit fast, die warm
  • I knit so I don’t kill people
  • Knitting is my therapy
  • Knit one, sip two
  • I’d rather be knitting
  • I knit, therefore I am
  • Knit happens when you’re having fun
  • Keep calm and knit on
  • Knit happens, embrace the chaos
  • Knitting: it’s not a hobby, it’s a lifestyle
  • Knitting: a tangle of possibilities
  • I knit because punching people is frowned upon
  • Happiness is a warm ball of yarn
  • Knit happens, but so does wine
  • Knitting is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get
  • In a world full of tension, knit happens
  • Knit like nobody’s watching
  • I knit, therefore I unravel
  • Knitting: the original stress ball
  • Knitting is not just for grandmas
  • I knit, therefore I don’t unravel
  • Knitting is the perfect blend of coffee and yarn
  • Knitting: when you’re in it for the long yarn
  • Knit one, purl one, wine two, repeat
  • I knit, therefore I stash
  • Knitting: where there are no mistakes, only design elements
  • A day without knitting is like a day without sunshine
  • Knitting is my superpower
  • Knit happens, so roll with it
  • Knit happens, but so does tea
  • I knit so I don’t unravel
  • Knitting: it’s not just a hobby, it’s a calling
  • Knitting: because sometimes Netflix isn’t enough
  • Knitting: a way to keep your hands busy and your mind free
  • I knit, therefore I am zen
  • Knitting: creating something beautiful, one stitch at a time
  • Knitting is cheaper than therapy
  • Knit happens, but coffee helps
  • Knitting: the original fidget spinner
  • I knit, therefore I have a yarn stash
  • Knitting: it’s like painting with yarn
  • Knitting: the gift that keeps on giving
  • Knitting: a way to make something from nothing
  • Knit happens, but so does chocolate
  • I knit, therefore I have warm feet
  • Knitting: a way to make the world a little bit cozier
  • Knit happens, but so does beer
  • Knitting: a way to express yourself, one stitch at a time
  • I knit, therefore I’m never bored
  • Knitting: the perfect excuse to binge-watch your favorite show
  • Knit happens, but so does napping
  • I knit, therefore I have a happy place
  • Knitting: a way to make memories with every stitch
  • Knitting: where function meets fashion
  • Knit happens, but so does a good book
  • I knit, therefore I can multitask
  • Knitting: the art of turning yarn into something beautiful
  • Knit happens, but so does wine and cheese
  • Knitting is like therapy for your hands and your soul.
  • You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy yarn and that’s pretty close.
  • Knitting is not just a hobby, it’s a way of life.
  • Knitting: the original mindfulness practice.
  • A day spent knitting is a day well spent.
  • Life is too short to knit with bad yarn.
  • When in doubt, knit it out.
  • Knitting is my superpower.
  • I knit so I don’t unravel.
  • I don’t always knit, but when I do, I prefer to knit in public.
  • Knitting is not a hobby, it’s a calling.
  • Knitting: where math meets yarn.
  • Knitting is my happy place.
  • Knitting is the cure for everything.
  • I knit, therefore I am.
  • Knitting is the perfect excuse to not do housework.
  • Knit fast, die warm.
  • Keep calm and knit on.
  • Knitting is cheaper than therapy.
  • I don’t have a problem, I have a yarn stash.
  • Knitting is my cardio.
  • I’m a yarnaholic on the road to recovery. Just kidding, I’m on the road to the yarn store.
  • Knit happens.
  • I knit so I don’t kill people.
  • Knitting is my jam.
  • Knitting is not a hobby, it’s a passion.
  • You can’t knit with us.
  • Knitting is the ultimate multitasking.
  • I knit, therefore I unravel.
  • Knitting is the perfect way to keep your hands busy and your mind calm.
  • Yarn is my love language.
  • The best things in life are handmade and full of love.
  • You can never have too much yarn or too many needles.
  • Knitting is a form of meditation.
  • Knitting is not just for grandmas.
  • I knit to keep my hands busy and my mind at peace.
  • Knitting is not just a hobby, it’s an adventure.
  • Knitting is my escape from reality.
  • I’m not addicted to knitting, I’m committed to it.
  • Life is too short to wear boring clothes, knit something fabulous.

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