Johnny Silverhand Quotes

The only thing that really matters in this world is strength.

We’re all just pawns in their game.

Wake up, Samurai. We have a city to burn.

No matter how dark the night, dawn always breaks.

You can’t trust anyone in this city, not even yourself.

The world doesn’t give a damn about you. It’s every man for himself.

In Night City, you’re either a predator or prey. Choose wisely.

The only way to survive in this city is to fight for what’s yours.

They may take everything from you, but they can’t take your spirit.

Sometimes the only way out is through.

Gotta make the best of a bad situation, right?

It’s a cruel world out there, but I’ve learned to embrace it.

Let them underestimate you, it’ll be their biggest mistake.

Life’s too short to play by the rules.

Leave the past where it belongs and move forward.

The future may be uncertain, but that’s what makes it exciting.

Sometimes you have to be a bit crazy to get what you want.

The only thing standing between you and success is yourself.

They can knock you down, but they can’t keep you there.

If you can’t find a way, make one.

The city may be cold, but so am I.

You don’t become a legend by following the rules.

Everyone’s got demons. Just gotta learn to live with them.

There’s power in chaos. Embrace it.

Johnny Silverhand Quotes part 2

Show me a hero and I’ll show you a tragedy waiting to happen.

A bullet can change a man’s destiny in an instant.

Sometimes you have to burn the past to build a better future.

Never let your guard down. They’re always watching.

Don’t let anyone tell you who you should be.

The only thing that matters is the fight.

Fear is just a state of mind. Control it.

Blood is thicker than water, but loyalty is thicker than blood.

In this city, power is the only currency that matters.

You can’t let the system break you. Break the system.

Life is a game, and everyone’s playing to win.

The only thing worse than living with regrets is dying with them.

Sometimes the best revenge is living a good life.

You can’t change the world if you’re afraid of it.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

You have to be willing to sacrifice everything for what you believe in.

There’s a fine line between genius and madness, and I’ve crossed it.

The night is when the real world comes alive.

In this city, everyone’s got an angle. You just have to find yours.

In a world like this, you have to make your own luck.

At the end of the day, it’s just you and the city. Don’t let it break you.

Alfred Sorsazo

A seeker of inspiration and beauty in words. I share quotes that touch the soul, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Finding and sharing wisdom that helps you better understand yourself and the world around you. Why quotes? Short phrases contain incredible power - they can inspire, support, give hope, or just make you smile.

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