House of Cards Quotes

The road to power is paved with hypocrisy. – Frank Underwood

Power is a lot like real estate. It’s all about location, location, location. – Frank Underwood

Democracy is so overrated. – Frank Underwood

From this moment on, you are a rock. You absorb nothing, you say nothing, and nothing breaks you. – Frank Underwood

The nature of promises, Linda, is that they remain immune to changing circumstances. – Frank Underwood

A great man once said, everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power. – Frank Underwood

I have no patience for useless things, like political geography and lack of loyalty. – Frank Underwood

I never make such big decisions so long after sunset and so far from dawn. – Frank Underwood

It’s always easier to get people to do what you want when you’re holding all the cards. – Frank Underwood

The best way to get someone’s attention is to take something they value. – Frank Underwood

The only thing more dangerous than a big dog with a gun, is a smart mule with a calculator. – Frank Underwood

Treading water is the same as drowning for people like you and me. – Frank Underwood

There are two kinds of pain in this world. The pain that hurts, and the pain that alters. – Frank Underwood

When you’re fresh meat, kill, and throw them something fresher. – Frank Underwood

I’ve always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts even the most powerful men on their backs. – Frank Underwood

I love that woman. I love her more than sharks love blood. – Frank Underwood

Generosity is its own form of power. – Frank Underwood

People change for two main reasons: either their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken. – Frank Underwood

Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries. – Frank Underwood

There’s no better way to overpower a trickle of doubt than with a flood of naked truth. – Frank Underwood

The heart is the same size as a fist. That’s how I’ll hit. – Frank Underwood

I’ve always said that power is more important than money. But when it comes to elections, money gives power. – Frank Underwood

Friends make the worst enemies. – Frank Underwood

Proximity to power deludes some into thinking they wield it. – Frank Underwood

I have to resort to my wife’s marital advice: Control the narrative… or someone else will. – Frank Underwood

The only way to gain power is to take it. – Frank Underwood

It’s not just about pushing things. It’s about pushing things in the right direction. – Frank Underwood

Power is a lot like sex, when you have too much of it, it can cloud your judgment. – Frank Underwood

The person who can handle power is the person who doesn’t want it. – Frank Underwood

I love her more than sharks love blood. – Frank Underwood

What you don’t know won’t hurt you, unless it collides with what you do know. – Frank Underwood

Sometimes, I think the presidency is the illusion of choice. – Frank Underwood

The road to power is paved with pain and sacrifices. – Frank Underwood

Power is a game, and if you don’t play, you don’t win. – Frank Underwood

In the end, we’re all just playing cards in the House of Cards. – Frank Underwood

You might very well think that; I couldn’t possibly comment. – Francis Urquhart

I never make such big decisions until the circle is complete. – Francis Urquhart

If you can’t trust a dishonest man, who can you trust? – Francis Urquhart

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. – Francis Urquhart

Destroy them with success and bury them with a smile. – Francis Urquhart

To play the king, one must kill the king. – Francis Urquhart

A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation. – Francis Urquhart

Power without responsibility is like a cup of tea without the tea. – Francis Urquhart

Politics is when people choose their words carefully. Some of my colleagues need a thesaurus. – Francis Urquhart

I never waste a vote. You should always use everything at your disposal. – Francis Urquhart

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