Hilarious Kanye Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

I’m a human being. I’m supposed to be a little bit crazy.

I’m not of this world, I’m from the future.

Sometimes I get emotional over fonts!

I’m like a vessel, and God has chosen me to be the voice and the connector.

You can’t look at a tree and say, ‘I’m the king of the trees.’

I have a dream. I’m going to be the greatest artist ever.

My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.

I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man!

I’ll never be in the ‘I wish I would’ve’ club.

I’m a creative genius, and there’s no other way to word it.

If I could be a superhero, I would be Batman. He’s the most misunderstood.

I don’t care about being a billionaire; I care about being the best.

I’m a product of my environment. If my environment is good, I’ll be great.

I believe in myself more than anyone else believes in me.

I think what makes me a genius is my ability to make genius-level decisions.

The only luxury is time. The only thing I can’t buy is time.

I’m just trying to communicate to the world that I love them.

I might be a little too radical for my time.

I’ll never let you down; I’m the only one who can let myself down.

Fashion should be an extension of your character.

In America, you can be anything you want, except for ordinary.

I have a God complex; I just think I’m better.

I’m on a mission to bring color back into fashion.

I’m not gonna try to be all things to all people.

You can’t put your hands on a masterpiece without leaving a mark.

Sometimes, I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling; that’s where my best thoughts happen.

I’m not the same person I was this morning, I evolve by the hour.

I know I’m a genius, but I’m not crazy.

Don’t allow your ideas to be limited by what you’ve seen before.

When you’re truly motivated, you’ll find a way.

All great artists are mad.

I’m just a kid from Chicago, and look what I’ve achieved!

I’m my own muse; I’m the subject I know best.

I feel like I’m a superhero; I just haven’t put on my cape yet.

I’m not a rapper; I’m a visionary.

I’m destined to do great things; like, literally, it’s in my blood.

Art is subjective; let the haters hate.

Sometimes you have to be a lion to be heard.

If you think too much about your mistakes, you’ll never move forward.

I’m the type of guy who dreams in technicolor.

I make decisions, not excuses.

Maybe I’m just a little too ahead of my time.

I’m always striving for something newer, better, and brighter.

I want to be remembered as a musical genius, revolutionizing everything I touch.

I don’t have the patience for negativity.

The world will always tell you what you can’t do; prove them wrong.

I’m simply better than average.

Let’s be real; we all have a little Kanye in us.

I laugh at problems; they fear my humor.

I’m the Picasso of rap.

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