Garfield quotes

I’m not lazy. I’m on energy-saving mode.

Diet is ‘die’ with a ‘t’.

I hate Mondays and everything that comes after them.

I have a talent for turning every situation into a nap opportunity.

I may be fat, but I’m also fabulous.

Every day is a ‘do-not-disturb’ day for me.

I prefer having a cheat day… every day.

I may not be athletic, but I can definitely out-eat anyone.

I don’t need 2020 vision when I’m so good at sleeping.

I’m a firm believer in the power of a good nap.

I operate on a strict diet of lasagna and laziness.

Don’t bother waking me up unless you have food.

I don’t care about the rat race. I’m just here for the snacks.

I’m not fat, I’m just big-boned… and hungry.

Being glamorous takes a lot of effort… to avoid.

Sleep is my superpower.

I may be a cat, but I’m the king of the couch.

If I were a superhero, my power would be napping.

I’m not overweight, I’m just undertall.

My favorite exercise is stretching out on the couch.

When life gives you lemons, trade them for lasagna.

I don’t do mornings, but I’m a pro at afternoon naps.

The secret to happiness is a full belly and a soft bed.

I have a black belt in snoozing.

I don’t chase mice, I chase snacks.

I’m allergic to mornings. Let me sleep in peace.

Who needs adventure when you have a good book and a cozy nap spot?

I’m not lazy, I’m just saving my energy for important things… like eating.

I may be an expert in laziness, but I’ve perfected the art of enjoying life.

My dream job is being a professional napper.

I don’t hate Mondays, I just prefer Snooze-days.

If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s finding the comfiest spot in the house.

I don’t need a personal trainer. I’m already in shape… the shape of a cat.

I don’t need caffeine to start my day. I have the power of a good stretch and a yawn.

I don’t understand why humans stress over life. Just take a nap and everything will be better.

I’m not fat, I’m plush.

People say I’m lazy, but I’m just conserving my energy for important matters, like getting snacks.

I’m not a morning person or a night owl. I’m an all-day sleeper.

I don’t need a personal trainer. I’m already a fitness expert… in napping.

Why chase after mice when you can chase after a delicious meal?

I may not be fast, but I’m definitely fast when there’s food involved.

Mondays are tough, but a good nap can fix everything.

I don’t need to exercise. I’m already a pro at doing nothing.

There’s no such thing as too many naps.

Sometimes you just need to take a break from life and enjoy a good nap.

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