Funny running quotes

I don’t run to lose weight, I run to explore the world one step at a time.

Running: The only sport where you pay to suffer.

If running doesn’t make you a little bit crazy, you’re doing it wrong.

Running: The only way to humble yourself while sweating profusely.

I run because I really, really like cake.

Run like there’s a hot dog waiting for you at the finish line.

The only running I do is running late.

I run because it’s cheaper than therapy.

Running is the answer. What was the question again?

Running: The sport where you pay to feel like you’re dying.

Running won’t solve all your problems, but neither will a glass of wine. Might as well run.

I don’t always run, but when I do, it’s to catch the ice cream truck.

If running was easy, it would be called your mom.

I run so I can eat tacos without guilt.

Running: The art of giving up, then starting again.

My running pace is best described as ‘glacial’.

Running: The only race where everyone is a participant trophy winner.

I’m not a runner, I just jog slowly with enthusiasm.

If you see me running, you should probably start running too.

Running: Because sitting on the couch won’t burn enough calories.

I run to escape zombies and feel like a badass at the same time.

Training for a marathon is just an excuse to eat more pizza.

The only time I enjoy running is when I’m late for something important.

I don’t run for medals, I run to keep my sanity intact.

Running: The only time I willingly put myself through pain for fun.

I run so I can eat nachos without a second thought.

Training for a race is like voluntarily signing up for torture.

Running: The sport that turns your sweat into your badge of honor.

I don’t need therapy, I just need a good long run.

Running: The perfect way to escape the responsibilities of adulting.

I run because I love the feeling of my heart trying to escape my chest.

Running: The only thing standing between me and becoming a couch potato.

The only thing I’m setting speed records for is how fast I can eat a burrito after a run.

Running: The sport where the reward for finishing is a banana and a Gatorade.

I run so my dog can have a social life at the dog park.

Running: The only way to turn your body into a sexy, sweaty mess.

I run because it’s cheaper than a therapist and has better views.

Running: It’s like walking, but faster and more aerobically challenging.

I run so I can eat copious amounts of ice cream and not feel guilty.

Running: The sport that makes you simultaneously hate and love your body.

I run because I enjoy being out of breath and in pain for extended periods of time.

Running: The only sport where even the slowest participants feel like Olympians.

I run because it’s the only way I can keep up with my thoughts.

Running: The sport that reminds you how much you hate hills.

I run because it’s the only time I feel like a cheetah, even if I look like a turtle.

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