Funny quotes on luck

Luck is like a monkey; it doesn’t stick around for long.

Luck is like the weather; it can change in an instant.

If luck was a person, it would probably be an elusive magician.

Luck is like a wild goose chase; you never know where it will take you.

Luck is like a sneeze; it can catch you off guard.

Luck is like a mischievous cat; it always lands on its feet, but rarely where you want it to be.

Luck is like a camera; it only captures the good moments.

Luck is like a bag of chips; you can’t stop at just one.

Luck is like a magic trick; you never know what’s up its sleeve.

Luck is like a lottery ticket; you never know if you’ve won until you check.

Luck is like a puzzle; sometimes the missing piece is right in front of you.

Luck is like a spice; it can turn a bland dish into something extraordinary.

Luck is like a rollercoaster; it can take you on a thrilling ride, but also make you sick to your stomach.

Luck is like a jigsaw puzzle; it may take time to put all the pieces together.

Luck is like a comedy show; sometimes it’s hilarious, sometimes it’s awkward.

Luck is like a game of hide-and-seek; sometimes it’s hard to find, but once you do, it’s worth the search.

Luck is like a photo booth; sometimes you strike a pose and end up with an amazing picture.

Luck is like a magnet; it attracts good things when you least expect it.

Funny quotes on luck part 2

Luck is like a genie in a bottle; you never know if your wish will come true.

Luck is like a friendship; you have to nurture it to make it last.

Luck is like a dance partner; sometimes it leads, sometimes you do.

Luck is like a symphony; sometimes it plays beautiful melodies, sometimes it’s just noise.

Luck is like a fresh breeze; it can bring a sense of renewal and energize your spirit.

Luck is like a treasure hunt; you have to explore and search to find the hidden gems.

Luck is like a magic spell; when it’s on your side, everything falls into place.

Luck is like a shooting star; you have to make a wish before it disappears.

Luck is like a road trip; sometimes you take the wrong turn, but it leads you to an unexpected adventure.

Luck is like a smile; it’s contagious and brightens up your day.

Luck is like a snowball; the more you roll with it, the bigger it gets.

Luck is like a good book; it keeps you hooked until the very end.

Luck is like a rainbow; it appears after the storm and brings a sense of hope.

Luck is like a time machine; it can transport you to a different era.

Luck is like a trampoline; it gives you a boost when you need it most.

Luck is like a spontaneous dance party; it brings joy and laughter to any situation.

Luck is like a secret agent; it works in mysterious ways and leaves you wondering.

Luck is like a car race; you may start from behind, but with determination, you can take the lead.

Luck is like a magic potion; it can turn a disaster into a triumph.

Luck is like a rollercoaster ride; it can be thrilling, scary, and make your heart race.

Luck is like a tightrope; sometimes you walk it with ease, sometimes you stumble.

Luck is like a breath of fresh air; it rejuvenates your spirit and gives you a renewed sense of purpose.

Luck is like a puzzle box; sometimes it takes a while to figure out how to open it.

Luck is like a game of poker; sometimes you bluff your way to victory, sometimes you fold.

Luck is like a thunderstorm; it can be electrifying and leave you in awe.

Luck is like a magic wand; with a flick of your wrist, it can change your fortunes.

Luck is like a firework show; it lights up the sky and leaves you in awe of its beauty.

Alfred Sorsazo

A seeker of inspiration and beauty in words. I share quotes that touch the soul, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Finding and sharing wisdom that helps you better understand yourself and the world around you. Why quotes? Short phrases contain incredible power - they can inspire, support, give hope, or just make you smile.

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