Raising a teenager is like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded.
Teenagers are proof that the phrase ‘learning by example’ can backfire.
Teenagers are experts at making you question your sanity.
Raising a teenager is like being a detective, constantly trying to uncover the truth.
You know you have a teenager when their room looks like a tornado hit it.
Teenagers are like walking concert halls, always blasting music from their headphones.
Teenagers are professional eye-rollers.
The amount of teen slang I’ve learned could fill a dictionary.
Trying to have a conversation with a teenager is like talking to a brick wall.
Teenagers have mastered the art of selective hearing.
Raising a teenager is an exercise in patience, and my patience is running on empty.
Teenagers have a natural talent for turning simple tasks into epic battles.
Teenagers have replaced ‘I don’t know’ with ‘I don’t care’ in their vocabulary.
Having a teenager means constantly negotiating with a mini lawyer.
Teenagers can sleep through an earthquake but magically wake up at the sound of food being made.
Raising a teenager is like riding a roller coaster that never stops.
Teenagers are walking fashion disasters, but they’re convinced they’re trendsetters.
Teenagers are born with an innate ability to locate the exact item you’re looking for and use it without permission.
Funny Quotes About Raising Teenagers part 2
Raising a teenager means never having a quiet, peaceful meal ever again.
Teenagers are like human tornadoes, leaving a trail of destruction wherever they go.
Trying to wake a teenager up in the morning is like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded.
Teenagers can sleep for 16 hours straight, but ask them to do a chore and suddenly they’re wide awake.
Teenagers seem to believe that doors are purely decorative and not meant to be closed.
Raising a teenager means always being prepared for a barrage of attitude.
Teenagers have mastered the art of making you feel like the uncoolest person alive.
Teenagers have a secret sixth sense for knowing when you just sat down to relax.
Raising a teenager is like riding an emotional roller coaster without a safety harness.
Teenagers are the inventors of the eye-roll, sigh combo.
Teenagers are masters of the one-word response.
Raising a teenager is like trying to navigate a minefield of hormones.
Teenagers are proof that the line between genius and stupidity is very thin.
Teenagers can clean out a grocery store in record time.
Raising a teenager is like trying to solve a puzzle without any instructions.
Teenagers are living proof that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… and sometimes it rolls down a hill and crashes into a wall.
Teenagers have a special talent for ruining perfectly good family photos.
Raising a teenager feels like being trapped in an endless loop of ‘I told you so.’
Teenagers have developed a unique language that only they can understand.
Teenagers have a black belt in procrastination.
Raising a teenager is like trying to communicate with an alien species.
Teenagers have amazing powers of disappearing at the exact moment you need their help.
Teenagers have a natural affinity for drama and theatrics.
Raising a teenager means having a front-row seat to their daily fashion experiments.
Teenagers have the ability to turn a simple question into a philosophical debate.
Teenagers are experts at finding loopholes in your rules.
Raising a teenager is like trying to survive a never-ending game of Monopoly.
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