Funny Hockey Sayings

  • I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out!
  • If at first you don’t succeed, keep slashing until the ref notices.
  • Hockey hair, don’t care.
  • I have a two-minute penalty for being awesome.
  • I’m not short, I’m just not as tall as my hockey stick.
  • I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right, and you’re wrong.
  • I may be a goalie, but I’m still a player.
  • Hockey players have the best ice in town.
  • There’s no crying in hockey, but there is a lot of checking.
  • My goal is to deny yours.
  • Skate hard, shoot harder.
  • The only thing better than hockey is more hockey.
  • I don’t always play hockey, but when I do, I prefer to win.
  • I play like a girl, try to keep up.
  • Hockey: where a little blood is just a flesh wound.
  • I’m not lazy, I’m just conserving energy for the third period.
  • If you can’t take a hit, get off the ice.
  • Hockey is life, everything else is just icing on the cake.
  • I’m not short, I’m just not as tall as my hockey dreams.
  • I’d rather be on the ice than sitting on the bench.
  • Hockey: the only place where a shot to the face is a compliment.
  • I may not be the best player, but I’m the best dressed.
  • Hockey is a way of life, not just a game.
  • I don’t always score goals, but when I do, it’s beautiful.
  • In hockey, the only thing better than a hat trick is a Gordie Howe hat trick.
  • I don’t need therapy, I just need to lace up my skates and hit the ice.
  • I don’t always lose, but when I do, I blame the refs.
  • Hockey: the sport where the only thing that’s harder than the ice is the puck.
  • I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right, and the ref is wrong.
  • Hockey: where the penalty box is just a timeout for bad behavior.
  • I don’t need a stick and a puck to play hockey, I just need my skates and some open ice.
  • If you can’t stand the heat, stay off the ice.
  • Hockey is the one place where a hat trick isn’t just a magic trick.
  • I’m not fat, I’m just playing the role of the enforcer.
  • Hockey is like chess on ice, but with more violence.
  • I may not be the biggest player, but I play with the heart of a giant.
  • Hockey: the sport that turns boys into men, and men into warriors.
  • I’m not old, I’m just a veteran player with lots of experience.
  • Hockey: the only sport where you can get a face wash and it’s not considered rude.
  • I’m not saying I’m the best, but I haven’t met anyone who can beat me yet.
  • Hockey: where winning isn’t everything, but losing sucks.
  • I don’t need a lot of things in life, just my skates, my stick, and my determination to win.
  • Hockey: the sport where the only thing more impressive than a slap shot is a one-timer. 44. I don’t need a coach to motivate me, my love for hockey is all the motivation I need.
  • Hockey: where you can knock someone down and then help them back up without skipping a beat.
  • I’m not a puck hog, I just know that the best way to win is to keep the puck on your stick.
  • Hockey is the only sport where you can legally beat up your opponent and not get arrested for it.
  • I may not have the biggest muscles, but my hockey skills are stronger than any weightlifting program.
  • Hockey: where the only thing tougher than a hockey player is a hockey mom.
  • I don’t need a lot of things in life, just my skates, my stick, and a good cup of coffee before a game.
  • Hockey: where the only thing that matters is how hard you work on the ice.
  • I don’t always win, but when I do, it’s because I outworked everyone else on the ice.
  • Hockey is the only sport where a power play is a good thing.
  • I don’t need fancy equipment to play hockey, just a stick and a passion for the game.
  • Hockey: where you can take a puck to the face and still keep playing.
  • I’m not a goon, I just know how to play the game the right way.
  • Hockey is the only sport where it’s acceptable to get into a fight with someone and then hug it out afterwards.
  • I don’t need a lot of things in life, just my skates, my stick, and a good pair of hockey gloves to protect my hands.
  • Hockey is like life, you have to work hard to get to the top, but the journey is worth it.
  • I don’t always have a great game, but when I do, it’s because I played with heart and determination.
  • Hockey: the only sport where you can score a goal and then immediately get into a fight.
  • I’m not just a hockey player, I’m a member of a team that has each other’s backs.
  • Hockey is the one place where a little trash talk is just part of the game.
  • I don’t need to be the best player on the ice, I just need to be the hardest worker.
  • Hockey: where the only thing better than a hat trick is a four-goal game.
  • I don’t always have a perfect game, but when I do, it’s because I was in the zone.
  • Hockey is like a family, we fight and argue, but at the end of the day, we always have each other’s back.
  • I’m not just a hockey player, I’m a warrior on the ice.
  • Hockey: where the only thing more important than a win is the respect of your opponents.
  • I don’t need a lot of things in life, just my skates, my stick, and a good pair of socks to keep my feet warm.
  • Hockey is like a chess match, but with skates and sticks.
  • I don’t always score a goal, but when I do, it’s a beauty.
  • Hockey: the only sport where you can get away with a little bit of roughhousing.
  • I’m not just a hockey player, I’m a student of the game.
  • Hockey is the one place where being a little bit crazy is a good thing.
  • I don’t need to be the biggest player on the ice, I just need to have the biggest heart.
  • Hockey: where the only thing more satisfying than a big hit is a big win.
  • I’m not just a hockey player, I’m a gladiator on the ice.
  • Hockey is like a religion, it requires devotion, commitment, and sacrifice.
  • I don’t need to be the flashiest player on the ice, I just need to be the most effective.
  • Hockey: where the only thing more satisfying than a game-winning goal is a shutout.
  • I’m not just a hockey player, I’m a warrior poet on the ice.
  • Hockey is the one place where it’s acceptable to check someone into the boards and then buy them a beer after the game.
  • I don’t need a lot of things in life, just my skates, my stick, and a good pair of shin guards to protect my legs.
  • Hockey: where the only thing more impressive than a breakaway goal is a hat trick in the playoffs.
  • I’m not just a hockey player, I’m a magician on the ice.
  • Hockey is like a dance, you have to be in sync with your teammates to succeed.
  • I don’t need to be the most talented player on the ice, I just need to be the most determined.
  • Hockey: where the only thing more exciting than a game-winning goal is overtime in the playoffs.
  • I’m not just a hockey player, I’m a master of the art of intimidation on the ice.
  • Hockey is the one place where a little bit of aggression is just part of the game.
  • 92. I don’t need a lot of things in life, just my skates, my stick, and a good cup of hot cocoa after a game.
  • Hockey: where the only thing more important than scoring goals is preventing them.
  • I’m not just a hockey player, I’m a strategist on the ice.
  • Hockey is like a battle, you have to fight for every inch of ice.
  • I don’t need to be the fastest player on the ice, I just need to be the smartest.
  • Hockey: where the only thing more satisfying than a big save is a game-winning goal.
  • I’m not just a hockey player, I’m a magician with the puck on the ice.

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