Fake pretending quotes

I would rather be authentically hated than falsely loved.

Pretending to be someone else will only result in losing yourself.

Fake empathy is worse than no empathy at all.

Don’t pretend to care, actually care.

Honesty may hurt, but pretending will lead to a lifetime of deceit.

Fake it ’til you break it.

Better to be a true loner than to surround yourself with fake friends.

Fake pretending only leads to genuine disappointment.

Don’t let fake smiles fool you, they’re just covering up the pain.

You can’t fake passion, it’s either there or it’s not.

Pretending to be happy won’t make you happy.

Fake confidence will eventually crumble under the weight of insecurity.

Don’t pretend to be strong when you’re feeling weak.

Fake pretending is the fastest way to lose your true self.

Don’t pretend to be something you’re not; be proud of who you are.

Fake pretending is just another form of lying to yourself.

Pretending to be perfect will only make you miserable.

Fake pretending is for the weak, the strong embrace their flaws.

Don’t pretend to understand when you have no idea.

Fake pretending may fool others, but it won’t fool yourself.

It’s better to be alone than surrounded by fake people.

Pretending to be happy won’t fool the mirror.

Fake pretending is an insult to genuine emotions.

Don’t pretend to be busy, be productive.

Pretending to be interested is a waste of time for both parties involved.

Fake pretending won’t make your dreams come true, only hard work will.

Don’t pretend to know it all, be open to learning.

Fake pretending is like wearing a mask; eventually, it will fall off.

Pretending to be someone else may fool the world, but it won’t fool your soul.

Fake pretending won’t make you happy, only being true to yourself will.

Don’t pretend to be strong if you’re feeling weak; it’s okay to ask for help.

Fake pretending is a disservice to your authentic self.

Pretending to be someone you’re not will only attract the wrong people.

Fake pretending is a waste of energy; embrace who you are instead.

Don’t pretend to be okay if you’re not; vulnerability is a strength.

Fake pretending will never replace genuine connection.

Pretending to be happy may fool others, but it won’t fool your true emotions.

Fake pretending is for those who fear being themselves.

Don’t pretend to have it all together; nobody does.

Pretending to be confident won’t make you feel confident.

Fake pretending will only lead to regrets.

Don’t pretend to love someone if you don’t; it’s better to be honest.

Pretending to care will only lead to genuine apathy.

Fake pretending is a waste of time; invest in genuine relationships.

Don’t pretend to be something you’re not; embrace your uniqueness.

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