I think the Earth is flat because when I look outside, I don’t see any curvature.
Is microwave popcorn made with real microwaves?
Why do they call it ‘fall’ if the leaves go down?
I’m not stupid, I just have a different way of thinking.
Did you know that airplanes are just trains with wings?
I heard that if you eat a lot of carrots, you can see in the dark.
Why can’t we just use emojis instead of words?
I don’t believe in gravity, it’s just a theory.
I think evolution is a made-up concept, like unicorns.
If cats have nine lives, do they go to heaven nine times?
If tomatoes are a fruit, does that mean ketchup is a smoothie?
I don’t need to wear sunscreen, I tan, not burn.
Isn’t it weird that the alphabet is in alphabetical order?
I don’t need to learn history, it’s all in the past anyways.
Can you catch fire if you think really hot thoughts?
If it’s called ‘sleepwalking,’ why don’t we walk in our sleep?
I don’t need to learn math, I have a calculator on my phone.
If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
Why don’t we just put wheels on houses, so they’re easier to move?
I heard that if you swallow gum, it stays in your stomach for seven years.
I think the moon is made of cheese, like in the nursery rhyme.
Why do they call it ‘quicksand’ if it’s so slow?
Dumb people quotes part 2
I think ghosts are real because I’ve seen them in movies.
If brains are made of cells, does that mean we have brain phones?
I heard that if you leave batteries in the fridge, they last longer.
I don’t trust water, fish can breathe in it, so it must be dangerous.
I think politicians should be chosen based on their good looks.
Why should I learn geography, I can just use GPS.
I think the sun is closer to Earth in the summer, that’s why it’s hotter.
I don’t need to read books, I can just watch the movie adaptation.
I think plants are plotting to take over the world, they’re so sneaky.
Why do they call it a ‘fire drill’? Do we really need to practice making fires?
I don’t believe in climate change, it’s just a way for scientists to get funding.
If we use all our brain, won’t it overheat?
I think if you put toothpaste on a pimple, it will disappear overnight.
Why can’t we just use one language worldwide, it would make things so much easier?
I don’t need to exercise, my body is naturally fit.
I think aliens exist, I saw a documentary about it on the History Channel.
Why do they call it ‘parkway’ if you’re driving on it and ‘driveway’ if you’re parking on it?
I don’t need to wear a seatbelt, I’m a good driver.
I think if you eat watermelon seeds, a watermelon will grow in your stomach.
Do fish get thirsty if they’re surrounded by water?
I don’t believe in vaccinations, I think natural immunity is better.
I heard that if you shave your hair, it grows back thicker.
Why do they call it a ‘pineapple’ if it’s neither a pine nor an apple?
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