Don’t play with me quotes

Don’t play with me unless you’re ready to get burned.

I’m not a toy, so don’t treat me like one.

Playing games won’t impress me, it’ll just make me lose interest.

If you think you can play with fire and not get burned, think again.

I won’t be your pawn in a game I didn’t sign up for.

Playing with me will only lead to you losing.

Don’t play with my feelings if you can’t handle the consequences.

I’m not here for your entertainment, so don’t play with me.

Playing with someone’s heart is cruel and heartless.

Playing with fire may be fun, but eventually, you’ll get burned.

Don’t play with me if you’re not prepared to face the consequences.

I deserve more than just being played with for your amusement.

I’m not a game, so don’t try to play me.

Playing with someone’s emotions is never a game I want to participate in.

You may think you’re clever, but don’t play with me; you’ll regret it.

I won’t be a pawn in your little mind game.

I’m not a puzzle to be figured out; don’t play with me.

Playing with someone’s heart is like playing with fire; sooner or later, you’ll get burned.

I’m not a toy to be played with and cast aside when you get bored.

Playing with me is a dangerous game; are you prepared to take the risk?

Don’t play with my emotions; I’m not here for your entertainment.

Playing with me is a losing game; are you ready to face defeat?

I’m not a game you can cheat at; don’t play with me.

Playing with someone’s feelings is a cowardly act; don’t do it.

Don’t play with me unless you’re ready to face the consequences.

Playing with fire may seem exciting, but the burns aren’t worth it.

I’m not a challenge you can conquer and move on; don’t play with me.

Playing with someone’s heart is like playing with dynamite; it’s bound to explode.

I won’t be your pawn in a game of manipulation and deceit.

Playing with someone’s emotions may be fun for you, but it only causes pain for others.

Don’t play with my heart if you’re not willing to handle the aftermath.

I’m not a game you can win; don’t play with me.

Playing with someone’s feelings is a game no one should play.

Don’t play with me if you’re not prepared to lose.

I’m not here to be played with; I deserve more respect than that.

Playing with someone’s emotions is a selfish act; don’t do it.

Don’t play with me; you’ll only end up regretting it.

Playing with fire is a risky game; are you willing to take the chance?

I won’t be a toy in your game of manipulation; don’t play with me.

Playing with someone’s heart is a heartless act; don’t be heartless.

Don’t play with my emotions if you can’t handle the fallout.

I won’t be a pawn in your game of manipulation and control.

Playing with someone’s feelings is an immature game; don’t be immature.

Don’t play with me if you’re not willing to face the consequences of your actions.

I’m not a game you can play and win; don’t try.

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