Cool Hand Luke Quotes

What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.

Sometimes nothin’ can be a real cool hand.

I ain’t afraid to die, but I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of seein’ me die.

You gotta get your mind right.

A man has got to have a code.

Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find yourself.

Life is a game, you gotta play it smart.

Sometimes, the only way to win is to refuse to play the game.

You gotta have spirit, boy.

A rebel without a cause is just a fool.

You can’t break a man who doesn’t bend.

You’re gonna get used to wearin’ those chains after a while.

Don’t let ’em take away your humanity.

Sometimes, the worst prison is the one you create for yourself.

A man’s gotta make his own luck in this world.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Freedom is a state of mind.

In life, you’re either the hammer or the nail.

Never let ’em see you sweat.

Sometimes, you just have to keep going, even when it hurts.

No one can take away your dignity.

Don’t let ’em break your spirit.

Life is a journey, not a destination.

Every man has his breaking point, but the strongest ones keep pushin’ through.

Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is let go.

Pain is just weakness leaving the body.

You can’t keep a good man down.

Sometimes, the most courageous act is to forgive.

In the end, it’s not what happens to you that defines you, but how you react to it.

Life is full of ups and downs, but it’s up to you to ride the waves.

Don’t let fear hold you back.

A life without risks is a life without rewards.

Sometimes, you have to face your demons head-on.

Don’t let ’em take away your hope.

The only way out is through.

The greatest prison is the one we build for ourselves.

A man’s character is defined by his actions, not his circumstances.

The only person you have to prove anything to is yourself.

Sometimes, the only way to find yourself is to lose everything.

Don’t let ’em make you bitter, make you better.

Strength comes from within.

Sometimes, the hardest person to forgive is yourself.

Life is a battle, and you have to fight for what you believe in.

No one can take away your dreams.

The only limits in life are the ones you set for yourself.

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