Don’t bother trying, failure is inevitable.
Why put in effort when mediocrity is so comfortable?
Dream big, but expect even bigger disappointments.
Success is overrated, embrace your failures.
Motivation is pointless, give up now.
Hard work will only lead to exhaustion, not success.
Set goals just to laugh at how unattainable they are.
Don’t strive for greatness, settle for average.
Life is a pointless struggle, why bother trying?
Success is for the lucky few, not someone like you.
Ambition only leads to disappointment and regret.
Don’t believe in yourself, you’re bound to fail.
Why seek happiness when misery is so easy to find?
You’re destined for failure, so don’t bother trying.
Optimism is a waste of time, embrace your pessimism.
Don’t waste your energy on success, it’s not worth it.
Failure is the only sure thing in life, embrace it.
Your dreams are meant to stay dreams, not become reality.
Success is overrated, embrace your failures instead.
Strive for mediocrity, it’s much easier to achieve.
Motivation is just a fairytale, don’t buy into it.
Why aim high when you can settle for low expectations?
Hard work is futile, don’t bother trying.
Life is a series of disappointments, accept it.
Success is for the lucky, not someone like you.
Don’t believe in yourself, you’re bound to fail.
Bad Motivational Quotes – The Dark Side of Positivity part 2
Happiness is a myth, embrace your misery.
You’re destined for failure, so don’t even try.
Optimism is foolish, embrace your pessimism.
Don’t waste your energy on success, it’s not worth it.
Failure is the only constant, get used to it.
Dreams are meant to stay dreams, they don’t come true.
Success is for the chosen few, not someone like you.
Strive for mediocrity, it’s much easier to achieve.
Motivation is a lie, don’t bother seeking it.
Why aim high when you can settle for low expectations?
Hard work is pointless, don’t waste your time.
Life is a never-ending cycle of disappointment, accept it.
Success is an illusion, embrace your failures.
Don’t believe in yourself, you’re not capable of greatness.
Happiness is fleeting, embrace your sadness.
You’re destined to fail, so don’t even try.
Optimism is naive, embrace your pessimistic nature.
Don’t waste your energy on success, it’s not worth it.
Failure is inevitable, accept it and move on.
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