40 Funny Good Morning Quotes

I’m not a morning person. I’m a coffee person.

Rise and shine, it’s time to caffeinate!

I’m not a morning person, but I’m a breakfast person.

Good morning! Let’s start the day with a smile and a cup of coffee.

I woke up like this… tired.

Coffee, because adulting is hard.

Morning coffee: because adulting is a little easier with caffeine.

Good morning! Time to rise and grind.

Coffee: because adulting is hard and naptime is not an option.

I’m not a morning person, but I’m a breakfast in bed person.

Good morning! Just another day in paradise… of caffeine.

I need coffee the way some people need wine.

Good morning! Here’s to a day filled with coffee and sarcasm.

Good morning! May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.

Rise and shine, it’s coffee time!

I’m not a morning person. I’m a breakfast in bed and a coffee kind of person.

Good morning! May your coffee be hot and your eyeliner be even.

I don’t need an alarm clock. I need a coffee maker with a timer.

Good morning! Time to wake up and smell the coffee… and then drink it.

I’m not a morning person, but I am a brunch person.

Coffee: because adulting without caffeine is just sleeping with your eyes open.

Good morning! Let the coffee kick in before reality does.

Rise and shine, it’s coffee time!

40 Funny Good Morning Quotes part 2

Good morning! Let’s start the day with a smile and a cup of coffee… or five.

I didn’t wake up like this. I woke up like I need coffee.

Coffee is my love language.

Good morning! May your coffee be strong and your wifi be stable.

I’m not a morning person, but I am a breakfast burrito person.

Good morning! Start your day with a smile and a cup of coffee. Or two. Or three.

Who needs a sunrise when there’s coffee?

Good morning! Time to rise and grind… and by grind, I mean make coffee.

I can’t adult today. Please bring me coffee.

Coffee is proof that miracles exist.

I’m not a morning person, but I can be persuaded with breakfast food.

Good morning! Let’s rise and caffeinate.

I’m not a morning person, but I am a breakfast for dinner person.

Good morning! May your coffee be strong and your day be productive.

Coffee: because adulting is hard and bedtime is too far away.

I’m not a morning person, but I am a breakfast pastry person.

Good morning! Time to rise and shine… or at least rise and have some coffee.

Alfred Sorsazo

A seeker of inspiration and beauty in words. I share quotes that touch the soul, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Finding and sharing wisdom that helps you better understand yourself and the world around you. Why quotes? Short phrases contain incredible power - they can inspire, support, give hope, or just make you smile.

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